We have included some useful fireplace and chimney care tips below to keep your fireplace and chimney operating properly as well as some useful reference guides.

Wood Selection
To prevent problems with your fireplace or wood stove is to select the right kind of wood.
Wood should be:
- Dry that burns hot and completely enough so that it produces less creosote and carbon monoxide.
- Properly aged (not green) to minimize creosote buildup
- Local
- Stored properly off the ground and covered but not air tight

General Fireplace Care
Your fireplace should be:
- Professionally cleaned and inspected annually
- Unmodified and used as intended
- Accelerant free
- Repaired by a professional

General Chimney Care
Your chimney should:
- Have adequate fresh air supply
- Have a cap installed and in good working order
- Have a damper installed and in good working order
- Not be crowded by overgrown trees
- Professionally cleaned and inspected annually
- Unmodified and used as intended
- Repaired by a professional